When things fall apart

When things fall apart

Pema Chodron is one of our best loved writers on Buddhism, known for a matter of fact, contemporary style. In this book, she teaches us to move towards any suffering or discomfort we may experience, and treat it like the teacher it is. To open up fully, observe it without judgement, understand it and move on. She teaches us to open our hearts beyond what feels imaginable, to fully experience all that life has to offer, and to interrupt our habitual patterns of shunning anything that feels awkward, so that we can grow, find peace, truly be compassionate with ourselves, and be free. It's at times a challenging read for a beginner, challenging core human behaviours, and telling us to go against the grain of everything we habitually do. That said, I'm already experiencing a greater sense of calm, a richer experience, and the peace to observe and work with whatever rises up within, and without.

The Power of Now - Tolle

The Power of Now - Tolle

Creative Confidence

Creative Confidence