L'Orto Felice & the sustainable farm

L'Orto Felice & the sustainable farm


L’Orto Felice has spent the last 30 years establishing a reputation as a leader in organic farming in Northern Italy, with a strong focus on principles and values over business as usual. However, competing with large supermarkets, online shopping experiences and all the other demands on consumers’ time and attention, they now look to new ways to cement their reputation, build a sustainable model and create a meeting place for education, gastronomy and love of the earth.

We discuss how to communicate their values driven business, how to utilise their struggle to find a model that works as an example with broader implications internationally, and how to engage the community in meaningful ways - whether through crowd funding, events, membership programmes and a food truck.

L’Orto Felice exemplifies the everyday struggles of running a values driven company, where will is strong but profits are small, and where broad minded creativity and extreme prioritisation of resources are necessary to survive and ultimately thrive.


Brand Audit, Brand Strategy, Brand Identity, Storytelling, Marketing Initiatives

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